In re Hamblen, 354 BR 322 (Bankr. N.D. Ga. 2006). The firm successfully represented Chapter 7 Trustee in his objection to state law exemptions claimed by Debtors.


Phasellus eu scelerisque quam, id pulvinar ligula. Quisque pretium pharetra tortor. Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra.

In re Hamblen, 354 BR 322 (Bankr. N.D. Ga. 2006). The firm successfully represented Chapter 7 Trustee in his objection to state law exemptions claimed by Debtors.2019-07-04T16:39:19+00:00

Galey & Lord, LLC — Textile manufacturer.


Phasellus eu scelerisque quam, id pulvinar ligula. Quisque pretium pharetra tortor. Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra.

Galey & Lord, LLC — Textile manufacturer.2019-07-04T16:07:30+00:00